Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Choosing the right logo for your company

Don't have a logo yet? Is your business just starting up or perhaps you never really felt the need for a custom logo?

A logo defines your company and sets it apart from every other company doing the same business you are. A logo is also a way to indentifiy your company. To this end you really want to keep it simple. It doesn't matter if your phone number or website is included in your logo. On a shirt or hat you won't be able to read this anyways. All it does is distract the person viewing the logo.

What you want to happen is for your business to become synonymous with your logo. Anyone know what company this is:

Do you see a company name? Do you see a website or phone number? Do you need to? Everyone knows who this logo belongs to. This is logo recognition. How did they accomplish this? Every time this company is mentioned it is followed by there logo. Whether it be on a hat or shirt or billboard advertisement.

You see on a billboard or even a website you run into complications with text. With a billboard if you put your website, phone number and all that it gets a bit busy. The same can be said for a website or shirt. Now I'm not saying don't include your phone number on your website. I am simply saying that what you are trying to accomplish is to not need to have any other information besides your logo.

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